Finds a maximum or minimum of the currently selected function by varying the parameters.
General options.
Options for drawing and printing.
Options used for creating pictures.
(Used for copying, publishing or saving.)
Automatically centers the parameter intervals around the best parameter set found.
To automatically center the intervals for varying the parameters around the best parameter set found, click this box.
To change the intervals for varying the parameters, click this button.
Uses the same data set that was used in the last fit.
(A data set is identified by x-column, y-column, errors and their data window)
Uses the same data set that was used in the last fit. Not available now because the data set that was used in the last fit does not exist anymore (or because this is your first fit).
To use the same data set that was used in the last fit, click this box.
Uses only the data contained in the selected rows for fitting.
To use only the data contained in the selected rows for fitting, click this box.
Selects the column that contains the y-values.
Selects the column that contains the x-values.
Selects the data window that contains the data columns to be used for the fit.
Selects the column containing the errors.
Uses individual errors for each data point.
The individual error values must be stored in the column selected in the pop-up menu to the right.
To define individual errors for each data point, click this button.
Interprets the number on the left as a percentual error.
To define a percentual error for your data, click this box.
(Now the number on the left is the absolute error value for all data points.)
Type the error value for your data here.
(Use the box to the right do define if it is an absolute or a percentual error)
Uses the error value to the right.
To use a constant or percentual error for your data, click this box.
No error values are given.
(In this case all data points will have equal weight.)
If you don't want to use error values, click this box.
Uses the same scaling for the two parallel axes representing this coordinate.